Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Birds Eye View

About a month ago I had a sudden urge to have a blog. I have had an idea in my head for a while that it would be so great if in my journal I had a picture for every day just to make it more visual, so then I thought, what better way to do that than a blog? So I made a blog and came up with a title, and made a header and I was so proud of my cute simple blog. But then life got in the way and I never got down to carrying my camera around, taking pictures, choosing a picture, making a post and so on. I was wanting to do a picture of the pretty fall colors, and I was imagining the perfect picture in my head, the only problem was I never saw the picture I was looking for, and i sorta forgot about my little blog.

But then today I was driving home and I saw the coolest scene. I saw birds sitting in a perfect row on a telephone wire, just like on my header I made, and behind was just the beautiful fall colors. So I rushed home and grabbed my camera and hoped when I got back, the scene would remain the same, and thank heavens it did!

Basically I realized that I need to take pictures of real things that I see, to help me remember the day, not fake a picture just so that my blog can look pretty. I am no photographer, and these pictures aren't the best ever, but it helps me remember what a feeling it was to see something so beautiful...Until my moms achievement day girls scared the birds away, but that's another story :)


  1. Very pretty! I am excited to keep reading your blog.

  2. Yay! I love it! you need to post the pictures of Stephanie's costume. I NEED to see it ;) This is basically why I blog too. It's a good journal and I remember things so much better when there's a picture to go along with it. LOVE YA seester!
